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Old 06-21-2005, 04:07 PM   #1
Funbrunette is Travelling the world!
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Default Attention JAWS fans!

Check this out JAWS unleashed It's a cool game...I actually jumped while looking at the previews

It's the 30th Anniversary and there's rumors circulation about a JAWS 5 I would be in heaven I love those movies.

I've stayed out of the ocean for over a decade because of Jaws. No, really. I Now, this isn't a passing fear, or some sort of excuse because I don't want to go in the ocean anyway. I'm a big fan of pools, and lakes if they don't have any Loch Ness Monsters, but to this day, I can't get within a foot of the ocean without feeling uneasy. And its all because of Jaws.

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Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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