11-12-2002, 12:53 AM
Mike D
should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: cali
Posts: 9
xBucks: 342
Originally posted by PattyeCake
Mario Darling.... oops perhaps I should say "masters"
I've been posting for a LONG time.. and I'll pretty much Post where and when I like...
if it will make you FEEL better, I did in fact speak with Chris prior to my posting... and you will note he actually Followed my post... Now if anyone has a problem with where and when I post on this board it would be him....
News and Announcement "threads" are fine.. however we all KNOW NO ONE reads them... I've been reading and posting for about 8 years now... and it really concerns me that webmasters cannot discuss Business on a WEBMASTER BOARD without getting slammed by folks who can't seem to tell the difference between SPAM and an announcement.... these things use to help folks improve business, learn the ropes, make new contacts etc.. now all they seem to discuss is who has the biggest dick or the nicest ass...
I've been helping newbies in this industry since 1995 and as I said before.. I'll pretty much post where and When I like...
not trying to be an ass.. just stating my concerns about the state of the "Webmaster Boards" these days...
and I still love you too sweetness ....
Well said
Mike D