X Nations - View Single Post - Karla Homolka will be freed in the next few days
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Old 06-21-2005, 06:22 PM   #7
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Originally posted by WEGRuth
it's truly sad what can happen sometimes

My hubby was amazed and appalled at this info when I showed it to him - he thought she was gonna be in jail til she died cos of what she did.

Amazing how people can be allowed to walk free when they have been convicted of a terrible heinous crime like that.

I feel sorry for the families of the victims, it certainly doesn't seem like Justice is being served on this one.
You're absolutely right Ruth...The family will never really get closure, I followed the case very closely and read somewhere that Karen French (One of the victims mother got severely depressed when she heard karla was going to be released and had to stop working) mean while Karla is about to start a brand new life...Where is the justice there? Well I strongly believe in karma...so watch out Karla!
Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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