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Old 06-22-2005, 10:05 PM   #9
McAttack should edit this
I eat paint chips!
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Can't put all the blame on McDonalds. It's like Nike being targeted in the 90s for child labour when all the shoe companies were using it. The leader always gets targeted.

In defense of McDonalds, they have responded positively to this and are offering a healthier menu. The down and dirty burgers are still there, and if you want a salad, you can have one.

I still look at it this way, we all know burgers are no good for you, it's called junk food for a reason, we shouldn't be shocked by a documentary like this. It'd be like watching a doc on how bullets kill or fire burns skin.

And no, I'm not a fan of Mickey Ds. I think it's one of the best diahretics in the world though!
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