X Nations - View Single Post - Karla Homolka will be freed in the next few days
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Old 06-30-2005, 03:07 PM   #20
Odie should edit this
traffic?? what's that??
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Originally posted by Funbrunette
You're absolutely right Ruth...The family will never really get closure, I followed the case very closely and read somewhere that Karen French (One of the victims mother got severely depressed when she heard karla was going to be released and had to stop working) mean while Karla is about to start a brand new life...Where is the justice there? Well I strongly believe in karma...so watch out Karla!
It breaks my heart everytime I hear about the turmoil the families have gone through. I can't wait for someone to pull out her nails and her teeth! one by one. cut out her insides n make her eat her hair..then there would be a lil bit of justice b/c then she would know how Kristen suffered.

*chills down my spine* I hate that woman!
AVN Odie
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