Originally posted by Funbrunette
I lost all respect for him when he bashed Brooke Shields for taking anti depressants for post partum depression! I've been there I know how hard it can be (mean while you're suppose to be taking care of a new born baby) Honestly I think he's a JACK ASS! Don't talk about something you haven't experienced!!!! I have no problem with Scientology, but there's no need for him to expect us all to embrace his way of living!
Yeah, well that's like any religious fanatic. My friend was just telling me before that she couldn't buy a certain wedding card even though it was nice because it was made by a jewish guy, and the girl that's getting married is a muslim. She doesn't want anything made by a jewish person. That freaked me out! She was telling me that the girl won't watch Saturday Night Live because it's run by a jewish person. That to me is absolutely insane!
Religion has a way of fucking people up big time.