I fail to understand "their" logic here. Attacking and killing innocent people isn't going to change anything, it's only going to seriously upset people and make them rally around the cause - not cave in to their demands.
Look at the end result of 9/11. The attacks woke up a beast, and the US went on the warpath. The US did in Afganstan what the Russians couldn't do in ten years of fighting. The 9/11 attacks caused the US to create new laws to fight this kind of activity, and also prompted us to find new ways to get around laws currently in place. Now the US is kiddnapping people in Italy and transporting them to other countries where there are no laws.
Somewhere along the lines the people involved in these attacks need to accept the truth - No race is better than any other, and all races have the right to exist on an equal platform. There is no "chosen race" better than all of the others.
Director of Products & Services | YNOT
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