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Old 07-12-2005, 02:26 AM   #1
NetRodent should edit this
X Cuseme
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Default Montreal Perl Programmer(s) Wanted

Online entertainment company in Montreal, Canada invites applications from Perl programmers.

This full-time position will work with the our developers to design, implement and maintain our family of high traffic database driven websites. Responsibilities will also include developing and maintaining large scale database driven applications and creating tools to support non-technical staff.

A candidate should have experience in the following areas:
* Perl (obviously)
* Mason
* HTML / Web Design
* Linux / Unix / BSD

Knowledge of the following are assets:
* Flash
* Socket level programming
* Image manipulation
* Other programing/scripting languages
* Online payment processing
* Online marketing / Search Engine Optimizing

The ideal candidate will be self-motivated, pro-active, and willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Should be inquisitive and versatile, with a desire to understand "why" not just "how".

We offer generous compensation with many great benefits, including profit sharing and medical/dental coverage. If you are looking to maximize your potential in a fun, energetic atmosphere, email your CV in plain text to jobs-0617@belent.com

Please include "Xnations" in the subject line.
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Joseph Henry Jackson,
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