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Old 11-12-2002, 02:58 PM   #29
PattyeCake should edit this
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Originally posted by GOD
Can't we all just get along
of Course we can all get along! I have no issues with anyone, and hell, even Mario knows I still love him.. Just got tired of being told where when and WHAT I can post..

I dislike spam just as much as the next guy, however I do read all of the 5k-7k a day I get via e-mail.... not necessarily in the same day, but they all get looked at... You would be amazed at the ideas you can up with.

Many of us work in a fairly isolated situation... The Webmaster Boards have, over the years provided all of us with several different things.. Companionship, a shoulder to cry on, advice, a good laugh and sometimes.. a good cry.... As necessary as all of these things are, we all need to remember why we are here.. Unless we are in this industry as a hobby.. we are here to make money.

For people who are new to this industry, it is very difficult to learn the ropes.. Very few people who have done well and lasted in this industry have the time or inclination to assist others. No one wants to give away thier "secrets" or waste time on the "hobbiests".

Webmaster boards, at one time, were a place where you could go to find out what was happening in the industry... how to submit, build a site, work the engines, ask for link trades, find out what each sponsor is about... OR What new sites have been launched etc. If you have targeted traffic, and I hope by now that we all DO.. it is important to KNOW which sponsors have sites that we can advertise in a certain Niche... How are we going to KNOW that if no one posts the information?
At one time... the only stupid question was the one NOT ASKED...

Lately it seems that all of the boards contain the SAME posts by the SAME people... I'll tell you something.. having a large number under your name for posts on a board tells me only one thing... That you have TOO MUCH TIME ON YOUR HANDS and you are NOT taking care of Business...
I WISH I had time to make 12-14 posts per day on EACH board I frequent... If I did that.. NOT a SINGLE WEBMASTER that comes to me for help or advice each day would get any assistance... and that would be a Mortal Sin in my book. It's hard enought making a dollar these days.. and it's IMPOSSIBLE to make one if you are new, without help.

If you are new or even a "midbie", where do you go for help these days??? Who do you turn to to ask that "newbie" question? Where do you go when you need advice? Is there such a place? Have you ever been concerned about posting a question or a problem to ANY of the boards lately for fear of getting Slammed? I have no doubt there are MANY hanging out at the boards who have such feelings.. and that my friends is a BAD BAD thing...

We were all "newbies" at one time and we ALL made stupid mistakes and asked silly questions.. My point is.. if we HAD NOT ASKED them we would not be here today... Those of us who have been here for a long time, are here for one simple reason...WE are HERE because someone took the time to HELP US and they Helped us ON THE BOARDS... THAT IS WHERE WE LEARNED.

I understand the dislike for drive by spam.. even I don't post announcements on boards I do not frequent... As Twinkley said, if it's something like a domain for sale, start a thread! Post ONCE! If someone is interested in buying a domain they will read the thread.. If they aren't they WON'T.. No harm done to anyone.. that is the BEAUTY of a threaded board. If you aren't interested in what I have to say.. SKIP MY THREAD.. simple as that... But I consider it my DUTY to inform webmasters of their options... All I can do it put the information OUT THERE, it's up to you if you choose to read it or not...

Levity is a good thing.. and there IS room on THIS BOARD for FUN AND BUSINESS there is room on EVERY BOARD for the same... I Love this board and there are some REALLY Great people here... People who are Willing and ABLE to answer just about any question asked. Or help with any problem you might be having.... I think everyone will find that their lives are much easier in this industry if you make room for BOTH and if you have a question, no matter How silly or simple you may think it is.. DO NOT BE AFRAID to ASK....

I read thru the boards yesterday, as we celebrated Veterans Day here in the US.. I take that day very seriously as a vet myself... I can NEVER forget the lives lost or the sacrifies made to Preserve my freedoms. One of them being the FREEDOM OF SPEECH.. and I choose to Exercise that Freedom as should the rest of you... You can NEVER fault a person for holding strong to thier convictions.. You can only fault them if they HAVE NONE...

Now, that I have come to the end of my novel for the day, Everyone have a Great day and try to Imagine a world where we could discuss BUSINESS along with the other stuff...

And I vote for Magicks ass.. I personally don't have one, but dayum, I got TITS!!
Big Hugs to ALL!

Make MORE with your sites with Rabbit's Reviews!!

AND don't forget!!!!

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