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Old 07-13-2005, 01:42 PM   #2
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Default Re: GAME ON! NHL reached an agreement

so now that the game is back on - is anyone really going to care?
Nope. They've lost a life long hockey fan in me.

I'd be lying if I said I won't watch it periodically, but contrary to popular opinion, the game has turned to outright shit the last 10 years anyways.

I've said for YEARS that the rules need to be changed to adapt to the International style of play.

Have you watched any International hockey lately? Now THAT'S good hockey. Where a player actually has enough room to skate freely for more than 5 feet without being restricted. Hopefully the rules change the way the game is being played today.

Then listening to players like Jeremy Roenick and Chris Chelios? Please. Thanks, but no thanks. It took me about 8 years to finally go to a WHL game here in my hometown and it BLOWS the NHL away. Kids that WANT to play the game and still have to prove themselves worthy. Once they hit the NHL, the love is gone, and it's as they say...a business. BIG business.

Well, when my cell phone company, or internet provider don't appreciate me as a customer, guess what. They don't get my business. Neither does the NHL.
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