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Old 07-14-2005, 01:34 PM   #1
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Default SexMoney now pays via Epassporte!

Payouts via ePassporte Now Available!

SEXMoney webmasters can now receive their payouts straight into their ePassporte account. It’s quick, easy and convenient. Please provide us with your ePassporte account information by sending an email to epassporte@sexmoney.com . The $30 payout minimum applies, as with standard check payments. Each time we issue payments, your ePassporte account will be credited automatically.

Don't have an ePassporte account? Click here to establish an account. http://www.epassporte.com

SEXMoney is an affiliate program presently operating 40 different membership packages, covering more than 60 niches, with 400 different products including the original cell phone cash boxes. Promo material includes; full page ads (FPA), half page ads (HPA), banners, free hosted galleries (FHG) and geo-targeted ads. In addition to tons of promotional content and free content, Sex Money also offers unique niche sites with six different payment systems including; credit card, dialer, sms, checks, direct debit, and voice call.

Choose to promote sites with or without consoles with no reduction in payout level. If you're looking for a sponsor that can convert international and exit traffic whether it comes from free site, tgp galleries, or any type of site, please choose http://www.sexmoney.com

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