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Old 07-27-2005, 04:43 AM   #12
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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I would talk to them and see what is up. I raised a male Weimeraner who could be quite the handful at times. He weighed about 115- 120lbs of muscle. They are very intelligent dogs with a massive stubborn streak. Some days were just his "dumb" days where he was just difficult and would act as if he was never trained.

Nevertheless, he still needed his daily walk. Some days he just did not want to cooperate and the second I let him do what he wants on our walks, from that moment on, I would no longer be the dominate leader of the pack. So at times, it probably did look to an outsider that I was cruel to the dog by keeping him in line.

I'm a big time animal lover. I can't stand any animal to be mistreated. I can't even watch those shows on TV where they rescue animals or investigate owners for cruelty and that kind of stuff. Those shows usually make me cry and then I get pissed off at the people who could be so mean to an animal.
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