Panky, monaro, Don soporno..
I agree, sometimes you need to be a little more aggressive and dominant and really take control. But im not talking about that.
Im sure Everyone that has been out walking their dogs, seen something that they perceive as abuse. be it "mild" or really bad.
Even though you might not know the story behind the dogs and their owners, you still see what you see.
all this dog was doing was tracking. a dalmatian. he could have just grabbed it by the collar and directed it if he had problems (which I believe he didnt have). But regardless if he had a problem with the dog or not, he chose to jerk and pull that leash super hard.
Compare it to a human baby.. Instead of taking the baby´s hand and leading it to the destination -> grabbing the hand and pulling with full brute force swinging the baby all over the place.. (not necessary).
Im just amazed no one has the balls to approach other owners, as I see shit like this atleast a few times each year.
on a side note.. All the trainers and owners I talked to says the same thing. You can control ANY dog by using the right technique, which involves proper training, disclipine, etc. And you can control a properly trained dog with vocal commands only, I.E not using leash, not using force, only commanding the dog by talking to it.
Watching a properly trained dog is amazing.
Now.. If I only can figure out a method to properly train some owners..