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Old 07-28-2005, 02:12 AM   #28
Rochard should edit this
Funbrunette's BITCH!!!
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You mind your own business.

Walking a dog on a leash is excessive to begin with if you think about it. Depending on how big and agressive your dog is, your dog - when he/she sees another dog - can yank your damn arm out chasing after it. So I have no problem yanking my dog in when the needs calls for it.

You nede to have your dog properly trained. Six months ago while walking my dog we were attacked by another larger dog. The other dog came after us and caught us totally by surprise. I quickly placed myself between the two dogs and told my dog to sit, which she did.

My dog would never ever think of leaving my yard to chase another dog without my permission.

I can now take my dog for walks with no leash and verbally control her - tell her to cross the street or to get back on the sidewalk. When we come to a street corner she stops, sits, and waits for me to catch up.

So I don't need to mistreat my little doggie anymore. I was nice and stern with her in the beginning, but now she's great to be with.
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