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Old 08-11-2005, 04:35 AM   #8
Don Soporno
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
Here's a quick list of what our little guy loves to watch.

Rolie Polie Olie
Bear in the Big Blue House
Mighty Machines
Gumby (yes, Gumby)
Chip & Dale
Donald Duck
Bob the Builder
Maggie & The Ferocious Beast

Stuart, get yourself a DVR machine. Your cable company has them. You know, the machines that record up to 80 hours or whatever. They're awesome for programming all the shows he wants to watch.

Oh, and I'd also recommend the videos from Baby Einstein. I think we have all of them now.

Baby Einstein is one of the greatest creations ever. The combo of music and colors and constant action really keeps their attention. We have a few and they rock. Here are a few shows that Dylan likes that you might wanna try on Ryan since they are so close in age just depends on what kinda action he likes.

Jimmy Neutron
Teen Titans
The Jeff Corwin Experiance (Animal Planet not cartoon...lol)
Krypto the Super Dog
American Dragon
Kim Possible

We have the 3rd one but havent opened and watche dit yet. I might do that right now...lolol
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