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Old 08-17-2005, 04:48 PM   #5
Don Soporno
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Default Re: re-curring dreams?

Originally posted by Evil Chris
I'm pretty sure that we all experience re-curring dreams, or at least what we wake up thinking are re-curring dreams.

I have two different re-curring scenarios. I often dream that I am back in high-school, it's the first day of school and I'm trying to figure out my schedule of classes for the day. I'm late, and I am wandering around the hallways of my old school trying to find my class, in a big panic.

I also have a re-curring dream of being back in the army.

What about you?

Instead of telling my own I will just break your down for you.

Most people think your brain slows down while you sleep but this isnt true. Your brain is still processing thoughts just as if you were awake.

With the first dream basically your mind is trying to work out a problem that you may be dealing with at the time. It doesnt mean that everytime you have this dream its the same problem, this dream is just the way your mind relays the message to you that it is working on it. Any kind of feeling of panic or being lost is a sign that there is issue that you are dealing with that you just cant figure out. Maybe a business decision or a sickness with a child.

The second dream could be a little more difficult to solve. It could be that somehting is going on in your life that you feel like you cant control or might be your mind telling you that there is a situation your in where you need to let someone else take the lead.
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