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Old 08-20-2005, 10:13 PM   #14
jvastine should edit this
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Originally posted by Funbrunette
Do you people ever work? LOL!
Funbrunette, some of us work way too much & as a result do not get out to the boards as frequently as they should. I am guilty of that & spending way too much time fighting hardware issues Like just recently my entire network went down damn near all at once. There was no apparent reason & nobody has been able to figure out why either. In fact, I'm only on line now because an "old" - circa 2k, IBM Aptiva just decided to start working. This has been very strange & had me off-line nearly a month! What would you do if you could gain no internet access for a month? I know that I was going crazy! Then there's life's little hassles that tend to creep up now & then. Anyway, maybe someone/something is telling me to take things a bit easier & redirect my focus. So you shall see me around a bit more frequently now then you have in the past...as long as I have internet access that is! Plus you can count me in on the XNations NFL survivor pool too. Damn, it's football season once again, where does the time go?
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