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Old 08-22-2005, 10:44 AM   #25
Don Soporno
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Originally posted by StuartD
I don't think that's true. It's a nice thought, but not true. Especially these days.

Not everyone finds that "special someone" to live the rest of their life in love with.... heck, most people these days don't even find someone to stay married to longer than 10 years.

See, I think it's society that tells people that you must find love to be happy. I don't think you have to. I think you can live your life with friends and good times... I think you can finish your life having never had kids, a wife or even real love.

It's people saying "love is the meaning of life" and "there's someone for everyone" and "you can't go through life alone" and all that other crap that makes people depressed about being alone.

If no one ever said those things, it wouldn't bother you quite as much.

The meaning of life is not to be in love. If it was, 99% of the planet would be failing miserably 99% of the time.

Love is an added bonus. Take it when you can get it but don't make it the focus of your life... if you do, then the focus of your life could leave you at any moment... or not happen at all.

This is very true and well put. Its completly possible to live a fullfilled life without love or kids or any of that. Most people dont want to but believe it or not there are people who are happier alone. Humans are the only species that put so much weight on love. The euphoria that love can cause in some people is often confused and misread as fulfillment in life.
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