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Old 08-27-2005, 07:06 PM   #1
Littlemack should edit this
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Default Pornkings Webmaster Referral Program just got bigger.

You have seen the conversions you know first hand and how much PornKings can make for you personally, so it's time to spread the word and make more money.

Earn $3.00 for every single trial sale made by the webmaster that you refer there are no limits.

Example if you refer 10 webmasters and each one only sends 5 trials a day which is very much possible considering we convert the best. You would make an extra $4,500 a month and (Remember you get paid on trials you refer not active members) This can add up fast so don't miss out.

Ranked #1 on Statistician for over 4 months and still going strong.

So its time you promote the Pornkings and start making easy money.

Questions? Contact us. sales@pornkings.com

ICQ 340328830
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