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Old 09-04-2002, 01:18 AM   #8
XxXotic should edit this
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Default Re: What's your next project?

Originally posted by Mister X
It seems like we all keep expanding and changing our list of projects. My next project is getting my first personally owned paysite off the ground. What's your next move? You don't have to give away trade secrets, lol.
me too (sorta) I'm launching a jampacked premium avs, ebony hardcore. I still need way more content before i launch it as pay, but it will eventually get thrust into that genre. Having a somewhat difficult time finding good ebony content, might have to wind up shooting my own if I can't find a really good ethnic provider (spam me links if you have any, prefer providers who specialize in ebony, not specialize in teens and have a few ebony sets, thanks!) nothing is online yet (site is still being built) but domain is hoodratchicks.com

A TON of people have been hittin me up for SE help lately, and I mean a ton, so I might launch a SE optimization site (not for free suckers!) where I'll optimize all pages, make doorways, hand submit etc etc etc but that's another thing I have chillin on the back burner until I get hood rat off the ground

also looking into setting up a freehost but thats not certain yet.
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