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Old 09-01-2005, 03:42 PM   #1
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Arrow WEGCash is going to match donations for Gulf Coast

I would like to state first and foremost, I am beyond impressed with our industry’s uniting of forces in an effort to help out those in the Gulf Coast region. As many of you know, Louisiana is my home state, seeing New Orleans in the grasp of such chaos and despair is heartbreaking.

This industry comes under fire from time to time, but when turbulent times arise, we are one impressive group. As many of you have seen, with the liberal help of Jettis and Epassporte, http://www.webmasters4america.com has been created as a portal for donations to assist the region. Wegcash is hosting the site proudly. Our vision is to get as many of you involved as possible, judging from many of your already inspiring efforts, this will not be difficult.

The owners of Wegcash have decided to match the first $40,000 donated via webmaster4america.com. Jettis has already matched the first $10,000 and provided billing, and Epassporte has extended a very gracious hand with donations and waving fees. We hope that programs and individuals continue to raise the bar.

The site is a portal, we would like to see everyone involved. I made a personal donation first thing this morning. I can’t tell you enough how proud I am to be a part of this industry, as well a part of Wegcash. This disaster has affected us all in one-way or another. The impressive and generous contributions from all of you are inspiring.

On behalf of Wegcash, I thank you all.


Hit me up on ICQ #233854608
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