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Old 09-05-2005, 09:07 AM   #3
Funbrunette is Travelling the world!
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What a great job Micheal P (Qwebec Expo) Very well done, lot's of networking and wonderful people....I look forward to next year!

StuartD always a pleasure babe (I enjoyed our conversation)
Jman, you're my BITCH (I can't believe I got to see you in your underwear, I miss you hun)
Odie, girl you look great and as always I had an amazing time with you!
Ynot Bob, always a pleasure (looking good)
SleazyDream (do I know you babe? Got some great pics of us)
Mediaguy (I don't know what to say last I saw you were passed out at the dome, but I'm glad we met)
Vid, I loooooooooooooove you babe! Do you know who YnotBob is??? LMAO!!!!
Mikael (Mon estie, t'es fou!!! Je t'adore)
KennyB (Thanks for escorting me, errr....being my date)
Legacy and SheDevil (glad we FINALLY met...Thanks for the glow sticks)
SexyScribes & Lulu (So happy I got to see you ladies again)
BrainCashPat...Congrats Dude! You won everything!!!!
Montreal Porn king, David and Caroline Congrats on the new baby and what a delight meeting you (you got me hooked on Vodka and green Apple)
JFK, Wooohoooo I got to hug you on camera....lol pls be nice with the pictures you post ;-)
Ronaldo, Great to see you hun, Sorry we didn't get to talk more....
Stephane76, Quel plaisir...j'espere te revoir au prochain show!

I'm sure I forgot someone If I did I'm really sorry... Lot's of you I can't remember names but it was great seeing EVERYONE!!!!
Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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