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Old 09-12-2005, 11:33 AM   #1
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Arrow Hosting in the Netherlands - now at TheXXXHost.com

Hello everyone,

I would like to notify all board members of our latest Netherlands based packages at TheXXXHost.com - a host specializing in Semi-Dedicated, a revolutionary concept in order to keep the monthly costs to a minimum, without sacrificing stability, speed or support.

Our new range of servers and plans in the the EU, Redbus Interhouse datacenter in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Bandwidth consists of Teleglobe, Abovenet and AMS-IX. Considering the following servers are located in Amsterdam we can guarentee fast connections to any destination, as Amsterdam is in the center of Europe.

Starting at $65/mo for 150 gigs or $79/mo for 250 gigs. New VPS plans starting at $189 for a VPS with 512MB guaranteed RAM. Virtual Private Server accounts are full root accounts with cPanel/WHM.

Dedicated servers starting from $270/mo for 10 mbit. More info: http://thexxxhost.com/netherlands.html

Feel free to hit up Andrew for sales (ICQ 297820698), email us at sales(at)thexxxhost.com or call us toll free 1-888-XHOST-88 if you have any questions, we will be more than happy to assist you.

If you are after quality hosting for the lowest prices check out TheXXXHost
Chris: Email - ICQ 297543067
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