X Nations - View Single Post - YNOTRADIO TO AIR KATRINA CHARITY AUCTION @ 2pm EDT 09/16/05
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Old 09-14-2005, 03:19 PM   #1
SEGuru should edit this
Mental Masturbater
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YNOT Radio is pleased to be broadcasting the Katrina Charity Auction this coming Friday at 2pm EDT - till....

That's right, all the action kicks off this coming Friday at 2 sharp...and we will be going straight down the auction item list.

To be able to bid or put up items for this, you need to get over to the auction site now and get an account created for yourself. That's the only way you can participate. So head over now and make sure you get familiar with those items up for bid.

As an FYI, the auction software closes the bidding tomorrow afternoon. When it closes, it does not mean you automatically win that item!!! What it does mean, is that last bid becomes the first "LIVE AUCTION" bid amount when we get on the air on Friday.

Final decisions will be made during the live auction and if there are no new bids that happen during that live auction, the item will be awarded to the closing bid registered when it closes Thursday.

So....make sure you go check it out and get involved asap!

The auction will be hosted by a lot of your favorite show hosts from YNOTRadio and a variety of community leaders. So come out and support this great cause.

See you there!
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