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Old 09-17-2005, 03:21 AM   #10
vp0.net should edit this
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Originally posted by monaro
I have always found something different about Xnations, something that I have never found anywhere else online.

People seem to really care for one another.
Something really special is here at Xnations, something that seems that you would never find anywhere else. I know we all have our different ideas on life and life different lives. Is it just the kind and friendly nature that holds you to Xnations or is something deeper within that you feel that you belong here?
It is really great to learn and speak with you today on ICQ Steve, starting to find out what a great guy you are and your ability is very impressive. You show and have something that only a few have and it brings very good news that you are happy with this board.

Cheers on your success and may you always find time in your future for the members here at Xnations.

have a great day

thats where I have to agree with you a lot of people on other boards such as gfy quit because people bash other peoples threads all the time which in turn piss's them off which in turn makes them quit the board ( in other words the ripple affect ) thats another great aspect of xnations at least here people care and they have a heart!

and your welcome funbrunette

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