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Old 09-19-2005, 12:31 AM   #5
Rochard should edit this
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My heart also goes out to the victims.


They live in a hurricane zone, and most of New Orleans is under the level of sea water. You can't tell me they didn't see this coming.

I used to live outside of San Francisco. I knew all too well that I lived in a earthquake zone. Everyone laughed at me, but I was ready. And when the big one hit I was laughing. Power went out for three days and phone service for a week; There was no stores and it was difficult to get around. I had bottled water ready to go, and enough canned goods and sterno to keep me from going hungry for a week.

And still today I'm ready (I know live in Arizona.). I have eight be crates lined up on the back wall of my garage - cases of water, food, clothing, and everything else we need. If we need to leave Phoenix in a hurry I'll just back up my truck, load up, and I'm gone.

These people themselves should have been much more prepared somewhere alone the lines. We all have industry friends in Florida and other hurricane areas; I wonder if they are ready.

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