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Old 10-03-2005, 10:43 PM   #1
Detour- Diva
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Default Create Your Dating Site - Live Class Tuesday 8:30 EST / 5:30 PST

Create Your Dating Site - Live Class Tuesday 8:30 EST / 5:30 PST

Hello All:

I just wanted to invite everyone to our webmaster training classes on “How to Create Your Dating Site”. DateApp.com has really done some outstanding things that will increase your profits greatly! Outside of creating dozens of custom stand alone dating sites in minutes, we allow you to market your existing websites and affiliate programs as well.

I will be leading the classes because I want your input! It is because of our vocal partners that DateApp.com has been able to continue to grow. Your ideas, comments, and sometimes harsh criticism allow me to keep my head out of my ass and address your needs.

Classes start tomorrow: Tuesday 8:30 p.m. EST / 5:30 p.m. PST, and requires pre registration in online class room at https://leadwurx.webex.com/leadwurx. (Be Sure you Scroll to Tuesday to find the class)


1. An Overview – DateApp
2. Selecting your Niche
3. Creating a Custom Looks & Feel
4. Adding YOUR text / banner ads
5. Launching your site in 48 hours
6. Contacting Partner Support
7. Additional Training Classes – Marketing
8. DateApp Beta Program
9. YOUR FEED BACK – Help DateApp make a better system.

Warmest Regards,

ICQ#: 175771465
Detour Interactive's Client of the Week:

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