Once apon a lonely tired PII computer with a single 4.6gb harddrive that hummed and whistled begging not to be reformatted for the 19th time lived on a strong wooden desk neatly placed next a monitor, keyboard and mouse. Connected up to an old time speed demon modem which enabled the owner to connect to the information super highway.
The tired harddrive struggled not to crash while installing another program yet again onto its tracks called icq.
It was a good day for the PII because once connected to this new program called icq, it all started with a echo with a message from someone who is now concidered special in the mind and heart of one particular owner making lonely nights not so lonely when online and that brought a new desire to upgrade hardware and software to enhance the online experience while using the information super highway.
They swapped photos, phone numbers and even met once and that was 16 months ago. It was only until I phoned you again last night that reminded myself what we once had and could still have.. Are you online today my sweetness?