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Old 10-25-2005, 08:11 PM   #1
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Default World Wide Content Makes Significant Donation to 2257 Legal Defense Fund

Hi everyone. I just wanted to give a great big thank you to all of our clients. We have just made a huge donation to the Free Speech Coalition because we care about this industry, and most of all we care about you!

From http://www.freespeechcoalition.com/

Posted: October 25, 2005

Canoga Park, Ca. – The Free Speech Coalition (FSC) is delighted to acknowledge World Wide Content, Inc. (www.worldwidecontent.com), a leading adult Internet content provider, for recent fundraising efforts that resulted in a considerable donation to the 2257 Legal Defense Fund.

On behalf of the Free Speech Coalition and the entire industry, we want to thank World Wide Content for setting aside a percentage of sales over a period of time that ultimately totaled many thousands of dollars that will go exclusively to pay for the ongoing legal challenge to U.S.C. 18 § 2257, the federal labeling and record-keeping requirements.

“I know I sound like a broken record,’ said FSC Executive Director Michelle Freridge, “but the truth is, without the expenditure of effort and passion that companies like World Wide Content put forth to raise money in support of this legal challenge, our lawyers would not have been able to achieve what they have so far, which is to keep the federal government at bay with every expectation that we will ultimately prevail in court. Efforts like this inspire us and help galvanize others in the adult community to similar action.”

As previously mentioned, the Free Speech Coalition continues its fundraising drive on behalf of the 2257 Legal Defense Fund, with the goal of raising $250,000 by the end of January 2006. If any companies, like World Wide Content, are interested in establishing a campaign or fundraising event and would like help coordinating those efforts, we heartily encourage them to contact us as soon as possible.

For assistance, please call the office at 818.348.9373, or contact Valerie Vizmanos at val@freespeechcoalition.com, or Tom Hymes at tom@freespeechcoalition.com.

Free Speech Coalition is the trade organization of the adult entertainment industry. Its mission is to safeguard the industry from oppressive governmental regulation and to promote good business practices within the industry.
Don Mike
ICQ: 317407511
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