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Old 10-27-2005, 11:51 AM   #1
Egypt should edit this
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Arrow Well, If it's an announcement - I'm new to this board!

Hi there! Well I'm really new to this board.

So let me introduce myself. My name is Daniel and I work in a design studio.
Maybe you've already heard of the BlueFly Design Studio. If so - so that's where I'm from.

If not - just feel free to look through the site

Actually we are not newbies to the biz. Our designers have 4+ years experience
of working with different graphic programs, such as Adobe Photoshop (from 5th to the latest

We deal not only with adult websites, but with mainstream also. Take a look at these links:

As you've noticed we work with flash also. That's true. We deal with it and can create
different flash animations. For example banners:

By the way, almost forgot to mention. Not so long ago we hired an excellent artist and he draws
better and better... Take a look at his jobs here:

Well and finally I'd like to mention that we always try to satisfy our clients.
And it's not a rare case, when they leave us testimonials.
Here they are:

Hmmm... That's it I suppose. Now you know something about what I'm doing in my life.
Feel free to ask questions, to visit our site and to hit me up for a chat via any of the messengers
in my sig.

ICQ 247-856-194 AIM / Yahoo! ltdanielross
E-mail lionsterritory[at]gmail[dot]com
MSN lionsterritory@hotmail.com
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