Don i can appreciate your right to speak your mind and that on this board you are entitled too... just feel its a bit uncool to slam gnat69 and guerillatraffic as you did when they are a reputable company, and although you may have had a bad experience - it should not reflect on anyone wanting to try their services out.
They have been around a long long time and have helped many webmasters out. I included have had the joy of knowing the people down there personally and have only to say that they are honest and not ones to attempt to screw anyone around.
If this problem is as bad as you say, I am sure that gnat69 can clear it up for you and that you should contact her directly instead of creating ill will here and possibly hurt their good reputation by slandering them when it may simply be a misunderstanding or a clerical error on either parties side.
I still recommend Guerilla Traffic and Gnat69 in particular who I trust and it is a great offer they are giving out
"Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something." - Plato