Ok, so I'm on day 3 of major migraines! I've been to the doctor and have taken Imitrex and NOTHING I mean I get some relief for a few hours and then
BAM!!!!!! migraine is back (and it's a migraine because I'm queazy, sensitive to the light and the sound of me typing is bothering me...lol)
I was lying in bed last night when suddenly I had a revelation

It's my neck and shoulder muscles that are "kinked" and it's what's giving me those horrible migraines (should of been a doctor...lol) Must be stress mixed with sitting at a pc all day and maybe I'm not ergonomically correct. Do you guys get neck/back problems?
Anyway I'm in a shitty mood this AM because I couldn't sleep well with my head pounding and not being able to find a comfortable position while lying down. Not sure what to do this AM (thinking about getting a deep tissue massage to get rid of the knots) maybe get some muscle relaxants? Any suggestions? I'm at my wits ends, I have a shit load of work to do so I need to be able to type faster than 3 words a minutes...lol

(I've been typing this for 2 hours...lol)
Seriously if you got any ideas...Spit it out! I'm on the brinks to INSANITY!
Asked Visuald for a massage this AM, but once again he's keeping me hanging!