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Old 12-01-2005, 10:16 PM   #9
jade12 should edit this
Mistress Jade
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shoot, i scrolled down too far and missed your post ..... oooops!! God damn only been here couple of days and already caught me in a blonde moment! (shiat!)

That would work, however lelahosting is in Arizona with the biz partner (but how would you know that anyway) but i really like the rest of it ;o)) Oooh Rubber paddle??? Now you're talking my langugae hehehe ;o)

Originally posted by monaro
Greetings crazy blonde mane in Vancouver.

Here is my input of selective words to meet your request;

City of Vancouver is the home of the fast developing Lelahosting.

Lelahosting's focus is to provide excellence in web hosting
with outstanding potential to fulfil the clients desire.

Skills and Knowledge Required:
- Design skills with creativity and innovation.
- High level of tolerance to the occasional waxing.
- Highly developed oral skills.
- Dominated and controlled by sessions of whipping.
- Proficient in Thumbnail Gallery Submitting.

Application Forms available from lelahosting.com

Selection Criteria MUST be addressed.
Applications close 2nd December 2005.
Position commences 1st January 2006.

Right that will cost you four(4) smacks from my large studded rubber paddle.

Have a great day
December *special* sign up at <a href="http://www.lelahosting.com/affiliate/idevaffiliate.php?id=8745">Lelahosting.com</a> and receive 10% off your hosting bill for
life! *Great* discount on annual payments (buy 12 mos pay for 10) and *save* even more
when you join our affiliate program. Questions? ICQ # 202297568 or 778 - 855 - 0577
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