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Old 12-05-2005, 11:34 AM   #4
Rochard should edit this
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I'll be going to Vegas with bunny ears in hand.

Lightspeed Cash isn't paying my way this year so I'm on my own, but no worries. However, a friend hooked me up pretty good. A industry friend has a time share at a hotel in Vegas, a nice one a block from the strip, and he booked me a room free of charge for the entire week. It's a suite and has full kitchen and a hot tub.

I live within driving distance so I'll be driving up. My wife will be joining me Friday night (so if Evil Chris is interested I'm free until then!).

I also won a free pass on the Humpday show from AVN, so I'm hooked up there too. Sweet.

With the suite with a full kitchen I'll be throwing secret invite only jager parties.
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