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Old 12-15-2005, 12:50 PM   #1
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Default Cybernet Expo 2006

Cybernet Expo 2006 Picks Up Sponsors & Adds Additional Marketing Opportunities

December 15, 2005 -- With six months to go until show time, Cybernet Expo 2006 is already kicked into gear! Held at the beautiful Shelter Pointe Hotel, in San Diego, California for the second straight year on June 8-11, 2006, there is no better time than the present to get on board with one of the industry's best mid-sized business and networking events. Recently joining the ranks are Meatcash and OhMobile as the show's exclusive Bar Sponsors, FTVCash as the third Corporate sponsor, as well as Klixxx and AVN Online becoming media partners. With nearly 1/3 of all sponsorships sold at this early date, prospective sponsors should visit http://www.cybernetexpo.com/sponsors.html TODAY!

In addition to all of the marketing opportunities that Cybernet Expo offers, there is now the option to purchase individual banner space at various locations around the Shelter Pointe for the run of Cybernet Expo, made possible because the event is occupying 100% of the hotel. To view locations and pricing please visit http://www.cybernetexpo.com/showpics.html

Cybernet Expo organizer LAJ states, "With a new event seemingly popping up somewhere in the industry every other week, we felt it was important to get an earlier than usual start in the sales, promotion and organization of Cybernet Expo 2006. The show has been consistently and successfully running for nine years and is one of the very few industry events with a long term proven track record. In addition we prefer an earlier push because it gives the sponsors already on board that much more promotion and bang for their buck."

Whether you are part of a large and established company or just getting started in the industry, Cybernet Expo has something to offer all attendees and sponsors alike. Top sponsors who have signed on early for 2006 include PussyCash (corporate), FTVCash (corporate), Attorney Eric M. Bernstein & Associates (corporate), Reality Cash (registration), PluginFeeds (conference), OhMobile (Bar) and MeatCash (Bar). Other sponsors thus far include SunnyDollars, WebcamCash, BlazingBucks, HotMovies, Klixxx, AVN Online, Bondage.com and Homegrown Cash. A full list of resource sponsors can also be seen at http://www.cybernetexpo.com

Online Registration officially opens in January 2006 with our early bird registration for $99.

About Cybernet Expo
Established in 1998, Cybernet Expo is the longest running mid-sized adult trade show in the industry. Known for its perfect mix of business, networking and social opportunities, Cybernet Expo is a “must attend” event for serious-minded adult Internet professionals. For more information please visit the website at http://www.cybernetexpo.com

Fay Sharp or LAJ
fsharp@swfla.rr.com or jay@ynot.com
Retain attorney Eric M. Bernstein - Ask me how!
Contact me at ICQ 92418228 or email jay at ynot dot com
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