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Old 12-15-2005, 04:52 PM   #2
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Smile Traffic sessions 101: pt 2

Not all traffic is good traffic, clicked traffic means CLICKED, but it doesn’t mean its clicks that you want, for instants, if you purchase traffic from a tgp in clicks for say 10k, you WILL get 10k give or take a few, but you have to take into consideration the geos in the stats, Where are the clicks coming from, are they even in English, can the surfers that are lead to my site even read on how to nav. when they get there. You may think that this doesn’t make a difference, but think back to a time when you have accidentally ran across a foreign site, that may or may not of had great content, but you couldn’t read anything and simply closed it out. Virtually ALL traffic companies except for a select few, sell shitty traffic with poor demographic proxies. Clicked traffic that has absolutely NOTHING to do with what you need if for. Also this traffic can and IS considered targeted. So with confidence you buy TARGETED, UNIQUE CLICKS, but you can lead a blind man that has to take a shit to the restroom, even open the door, but that doesn’t mean he is not standing in the women’s restroom. If you must purchase from a traffic company do your research. Go to Google with the traffic company that you are interesting in making a purchase from and type in ( The truth about >example company< ) or (>example company< reviews) check the reviews if there are more than a couple of bad reviews then they are not there for no reason, no matter how good the packages look and before any purchase, ask for a sample of 1k or so. Any confident legitimate company that has nothing to hide about its stats will do this, no problem if you seem sincere about making a purchase. Make sure you have more than one counter, Sextracker is a very good counter, and trusted by many, but its not enough, find another counter to go with sextrackers free counter, then on top of those stats check your server stats. Examine the uniques, reloads, ips, and demographs on all trackers and make comparisons that will come out to at least 70% related. the stats will obviously be off by counters, but if you get a hold of stats that are off by hundreds then there is a problem, if you get stats that show nothing but foriegn origins even if they are TARGETED UNIQE CLICKS then there is a problem. Take enough time to do this with several companies untill you find what you need, learn to read and understand the stats before you concentrate on trying to generate targeted unique clicks, because truthfully those terms have little meaning where it really matters...... continued
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