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Old 12-20-2005, 12:32 PM   #14
TheLegacy is Bi - Sexy
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Originally posted by DonMike
Well well well, the cat's away so the mouse will kiss and tell.

LOL!!! Yeah, imagine my surprise when I run up to Rochard, plant him one of my patented Don Mike kisses and turn to see his wife is not even looking!

You're lucky, Rockard. I held back. I have a habit of making straight guys start to question, but I thought of all those Rochard honeys out there who would be after me. So I kept my mojo to the minimum.

In other news, I'm doing well. I'm now at MaxPixels and learning the ropes as it were. You'll be seeing a lot of me in the next few weeks once things get rolling here and I'm up to speed. Have a great holiday everyone.
wow.. now theres something I thought I would never hear, Don is learning the 'ropes'

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