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Old 12-24-2005, 01:28 AM   #6
steeledge should edit this
Citizen X
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Thanks for the feedback guys...Much appreciate it.

Chris, I hear you about checks being good enough...I was getting paid twice per month by check, but this month my sponsor hit a snag, and offered to use epassporte to wire the funds to me quickly....I hadn't heard about it...and the website looked interesting, so I figured why not give it a shot.

I agree with what you said about pulling money out...my checks are somewhat significant in size, so I would have to make quite a few trips to the ATM in order to pull out all my cash....presumably I'll likely get shafted on the exchange from USD to CAD.

Anyways, I will see how things go once I get my card in the mail....and how the ATM withdrawals work for me (I think the epassport max is $500 per day, but not sure if individual ATMs spit out that much)

Last edited by steeledge; 12-24-2005 at 01:43 AM.
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