What about the privacy issue? Many people surf/view porn in private. Just because the technology is there, doesn't necessarily mean it will be a big hit to download and/or view porn on cells, iPods, and the likes.
Watching last nights TV show or latest movie is a tad bit different than watching a porn flick or viewing a webcam show.
People like to touch themselves, "get into it", and/or enjoy porn with their partner(s). They can't do that sitting on a train or bus, in a cab, or on their lunch break. Sure there are people who will duck into some alley or hide out in a restroom if the mood strikes, but the majority of people aren't going to be enjoying porn while commuting or travelling. They are more likely to wait until the get home or to the hotel.
The whole point to porn is to enjoy it. If all the person may be able to do is look at pictures, watch clips, or watch a webcam show without privacy to touch themselves, then I really don't see it becoming a big hit.
Advertising porn is about getting the surfer hot-n-bothered and wanting more. If the person can't/won't get off because they are in a public place, they won't be in a mad rush to buy a membership either.
A lot of porn sales are impulse sales. If the person can't do the deed right there, they aren't going to join and then wait until they have a bit of privacy to finish the deed.
There are members' areas that offer pics with the option to send to a cell. Viewing a pic on a cell is still different than watching videos. I just don't see people watching porn videos while commuting. If pics get a person all hot-n-bothered, they aren't going to be quick to download them to a cell, iPod, or whatever gadget, especially hardcore pics, until they have a bit of privacy to enjoy them.
Interacting in a live chat may catch on, but still, the point is to keep the user hot-n-bothered to eat up those minutes and then the user eventually does the deed. People don't log on just to chat and be teased. Even still, many people prefer to chat with a bit of privacy.