X Nations - View Single Post - Judge Rules in Favor of Industry On 2257
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Old 12-29-2005, 10:44 PM   #3
Rochard should edit this
Funbrunette's BITCH!!!
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I'm disappointed that more of XN hasn't commented on this subject. Shame on all of you. This law could affect you no matter what aspect of the industry you are in.

I liked this part:
"The Tenth Circuit specifically held that §2257(h) is unambiguous and that plain language of the statute excludes persons 'who basically have had no contact with the performers.'

I look at it like this.... If I rent a storage shed and store all of my coke there, is the storage place liable for my actions? No, of course not. They had no idea of what I was storing there. Likewise, the end user - the affiliate - has no idea if 2257 documentation is legit or not. And worse, being as they'll never meet the model in question, have no way of knowing.

Looks like we won round one.

And thank God for the companies that supported the FSC in this matter.
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