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Old 12-30-2005, 01:04 PM   #6
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Default Traffic sessions 101: feeder traffic

Feeder traffic, how is important is it. It’s like the old saying goes any buzz is a good buzz and press can promote profit if you know how to make good of the situation. Hence all the Michael Jackson coverage and the sudden long lost urge of wanting to hear his music suddenly being rekindled just because of the constant repetition of his name in the press. You have to get your name out there, and it does not matter to whom. As long as who and what your company is and does is revolving in the wash load of the masses it’s bound to rub off on someone.

To tgps and small free sites, feeder traffic, good feeder traffic like the traffic that can be purchased from choker traffic or FPC clicks really delivers as promised. Although this kind of traffic may or may not produce sales it is really better used for rankings. Push your site up the charts of sites like sextracker. When it is visible that your site is evidently somewhat popular according to rankings and the numbers that are shown for all to see, you will start getting clicks from REAL unique visitors. These visitors want to see what all the fuss is about.

Curiosity and popularity are you 2 main promotional points, know how to use them to your benefit... continued
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