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Old 01-02-2006, 02:41 AM   #1
IFRvideo should edit this
Citizen X
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Post Ifrvideo.com Is Released To The Public

IFRvideo - Press Release #1

11:24 P.M. EDT, January 1, 2006

NEW YORK, NY, JANUARY 1, 2006: IFRvideo.com, a new internet-based adult video producer in New York City, NY, opens for the public today. IFRvideo is a company that offers exclusive weekly features in five different sexual genres (Opposite Sex/Transsexual/Domination/Same Sex/Solo Sex) with high production values, dynamic editing and fresh, young, exciting talent. In addition, it offers the IFRvideo Scene-Payment-System, which uses the latest Windows Media 9 encoding technology to deliver very high quality 2048 mbs 640 x 480 pixel video on demand for immediate view, rental period or ownership with Digital Rights Management:


IFRvideo.com uses a familiar token-based wallet system that enables the user to purchase tokens for use with any feature throughout the site. All transactions are protected with 128-bit SSL security DMRNetworks. (There is a link on the home page to a program that can determine whether your computer is compatible with the DRM technology, and if it is not, the program will offer to upgrade you.) IFRvideo will also announce a webmaster affiliate program at the end of January 2006, and has business opportunities section with classifieds and RSS feeds.


The executive producer of IFRvideo.com, MMC, explains:
"The letters of our company simply mean 'Ideal Final Result'. This phrase is a methodology used for approaching 'unsolvable' problems by reducing them to a series of smaller, more comprehendible steps. IFRvideo is an Ideal Final Result for both the adult media consumer and the new company because we offer both the Scene-Payment-System, which protects our product intellectually, and highly charged sexual content in rotating and differing genres, styles and extremes. This keeps our creative outlook dynamic, constantly in flux..."

So visit IHRvideo.com today to see high quality screenshots and promotional clips from WEEK 1 (January 1st through the 7th), for no charge at all. Fill your Scene-Payment-System wallet with $3 to $100 of tokens at a time, and view our new library of very high quality exclusive adult videos as Pay-Per-Views, rentals, or purchases. Scenes are 15 minutes on the average and feature 29.97 fps 2048 mbs 640 x 480 pixel DVD+ quality.

Public Relations - http://ifrvideo.com
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