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Old 01-09-2006, 11:13 PM   #3
montrealpornking should edit this
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Default Re: Arrg my CPU can't handle the load!

Originally posted by Vid Vicious
Arrg ! %^$@#%$#^ damn CPU can't handle my work load .. Now looks like I gotta make yet another purchase for a new CPU and so close after Chrismas .. The funds are low and getting lower as vegas approahes .. Just my luck the PC craps out before leaving for vegas ! .... Uggg .. oh well I'll just use one of the laptops form work to finnish the job ...

does anyone have a spare CPU ? a celeron (before you say anything, I go thru computers like most people go thru underwear) need a 3.33 or higher
Vid get yourself a new Intel with dule core technology. it comes with 64 bit infarstructure.
You'll never be able to go through that one in the near future.
A bit more money since it's relativly new but trust me, this bad boy is worth it.
"Nothing is more permanent as a temporary government program." - Milton Friedman



Oh and as a Former United States President I'll say this again "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky."
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