Re: I just wanted everyone to know....
Originally posted by Rochard
I just wanted everyone to know I'm.... wearing a HAT.
I'm not one for hats. I look goofy in hats. My wife comes up to me, bless her big breasted soul, and hands me a t-shirt wrapped in a hat. I recently discovered I'm Irish (surprised the fuck out of me!) and it's become a sort of inside joke. So she wanted to buy me this Irish shirt, but it came with an Irish baseball hat. I never wear hats.
She hands it to me tonight saying she meant to give it to me as a Christmas gift but forgot. (Have I mentioned she has huge breasts?)
We were just walking out the door and for some reason I grabbed the hat, put it on my head, and put the shirt down without even looking at it.
So I've been wearing a hat all night. And kind of liking it.
Very odd.
| greatest compliment: you write very well. 
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.