I am SO sorry that I do not remember who gave this item out. It was unique in so many ways, including the fact that it did *not* have the company name on it.
It was a rubber ball that had lights in it that blinked like crazy when it bounced. I came home from the convention and bounced that sucker across the living room floor and my cats went *nuts*!! They loved the thing.
I've also had the usual compliment of lighters, pens (I *love* pens), notepads, etc.
Another one of my favorites was the really classy gold and black coffee mug that John from Pixotna gave me. He had "regular" mugs and the special gold and black ones, and I got on the "special" list.
Then there was the company that gave out full sized samples of their special lubricant. I think that might have been my husband's favorite swag.
DonMike...thanks for this thread. Lots of memories are flooding back, and I do appreciate it. I haven't been to a convention in a lot of years, but suddenly remember a lot of really good moments.