Originally posted by Evil Chris
I like the tee shirts that CEN and Maxcash used to give out, but I mean way back in 1999. I still have and wear a promo shirt for their webmaster cruise they did in 99. It has a cool skull and crossbones on the front and back and to the casual observer, it doesn't appear to have anything at all to do with adult.
Since I'm a respectable husband and father, I can't wear the explicit stuff anymore. LOL
What you need is older children.
Greenguy went out of his way to get me one of his t-shirts at one convention. My own children - high school age at the time - dared me to wear it to the grocery store. So, not one to weaken in the face of a challenge, this obvious PTA Mom wore a Link-O-Rama t-shirt to the grocery store, accompanied by giggling children.
The gentleman behind me in the check-out line was attempting to look anywhere else but at my back, which had the front page of Greenguy's site on it.
I daresay he'd seen it before.
My reputation in the community as a bonafied eccentric is well earned.