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Old 01-12-2006, 08:57 AM   #10
Vid Vicious
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Attendance was actually high . the problem was that both avn and internext were at the same time, making it almost impossible to meet anyone ... Attendees were spread out around the city some as far as the strataphere in one direction, the palms and hard rock in the other ...

THis made it hard to "bump" into the people you wanted .. From what I hear being there for the pre show party and first night was your best bet to meet attendees .. I didn't get there till Friday "thanks you Air @!#@ Canada" Truth be known I didn't get to see alot of webmaster that were at the show, The circle bar in the V was taken over by wanna be Pimps and ho's ... The Internext show room floor was hidden form the public .. Jesus I must of walked by the entrance 3 times before I realize where it was ... So yes attendance on the internext show room floor was low. The parties rocked and basicly was the one place where you can get bussiness done .. Still a good show, vegas will always be the place.

As for myself, It was more of an AVN show, Avn being where my bussiness flourished this year, and thank god cus it's just what the doctor ordered ...

So Inconclusion ... Pheonix Forum will win out in 2006 and probably in 2007 too , since they've moved Internext to March to compete with the forum .. As for the Florida show only time will tell if that show has gone unchanged.

Finally if you weren't there you did miss out plain and simple, Bringing these two shows togeteher wasn't the wrong thing to dom it was just done wrong. I appreciate the effort that was taken in bringing AVN and internext people together .. for me it was so worth while
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