Originally posted by laflair13
That is where I am most confused. The diference between the 3. I undersatnd that tgp's are thunmbs and links. But what is a basic layout for a free site. If I could get a basic layout idea then I can optimize a layout of my own and make it unique. Of course not getting the source and copying it. I just need a basic layout.
I have 2 different layouts I have been working with, they are
Firt Layout
Second layout
I have heard that the first layout looks like a top list and as for the second layout I have gooten a tgp with to many banners?
Could you please give me your opinion on those layouts and also a general basic layout for a free site?
Greatly Appreciated
Thank You
David...stay tuned for a coming thread. "The Simple, Basic Free Site" by Morgan Grayson. (I'm multi-tasking furiously here, both on and off the computer, but I promise I'll get to it as soon as I can.)
I'll walk you through the layout, page by page.
All contributions by established and novice webmasters will be both welcome and encouraged.