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Old 01-12-2006, 02:49 PM   #22
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Originally posted by laflair13
I will really be looking forward to that. From all newbies I say THANK YOU
You're most welcome, darlin'!

You see...*everyone* was once a newbie. Every webmaster out there was once standing at the beginning: confused, scared, unsure which of the conflicting advice and opinions were best and totally expecting to fall flat on his or her face. Most of us did, in fact, fall flat on our faces. That's how we learned. Some of us got great advice, too. And a few of us decided we owed a debt because of the people who helped us along the way.

I owe a debt to a lot of people. I can't repay the debt by teaching anything to *them,* really. (Unless they want a quickie course in conjugating the verb "fuck." ) [I'm a writer, in case you didn't know that, and I write hardcore porn stories for the adult 'net.] So I repay the debt by teaching other newbies. And thus the circle goes round....
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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