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Old 01-12-2006, 02:58 PM   #23
laflair13 should edit this
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Join Date: Jan 2006
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Not to get personal, The reason I got into this industry is because I am laid off super for a construction company and I needed to try and provide for my family. Where I live is a little small hick town where the closest jobs are 1 1/2 hours away. the company i was working for supplied me with a compnay vehicle so when I got laid off there it stuck me and the wife having only one vehicle. She has a good job so I cannot ask her to quit so I can find something. Besides that I draw unemployment off the company and cant afford to lose that.

To make a very long story short I decided to give the adult industry a try. I have made extra money on the side by creating sites for people I know and have been refered to. I am hoping with all the knowlegde I learn will allow me to make a living and support my family. I am not in it to make 1000,s a week ( i wouldnt give it back though..lol) I just want my family to live comfortable.

Ok I think I probably said enough...lol
Thanks in advance

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